Monday, August 15, 2011

Reasons Why Properties Under New Construction Can Benefit from Home Inspections

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There is a common misconception that home inspections are meant only for those properties that are being resold – not those that are being built from scratch. Contrary to this popular belief, industry professionals and consumers alike benefit significantly from inspections done to the property prior to it being completed. Here are some key reason that having a home inspection done while your property is under construction with a builder, is a good idea:

It’s Not Just The Financial Cost That Matters; Time, Energy and Resources Can Be Saved

Even though a builder will provide a warranty on everything in the new home and even though things are brand new, there is still a margin of error. And if something is caught too late in the game, it can end up in a long, drawn out repair process that could have otherwise been avoided had an inspector caught the error in advance. Since home inspectors are so meticulous, regardless of what stage you have the inspection performed, you always stand to benefit.

The primary advantage you have to gain from conducting an inspection during the building stage is that below the surface items are visible, which are otherwise listed as “unable to review” on many standard inspection reports. This means you will gain some valuable insight as to the quality of wiring, plumbing, ductwork and other concealed aspects of a home, before things are “buttoned up”.

It’s Never Too Late for Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Though it is normal to expect perfection in a brand new, newly constructed home, there is always room for mistakes. Having a qualified professional spot-checking the entire functionality and structure of your building is a great way to assist your builder, in a way, who at any given time employs a large staff to work on many areas of your home.

Builders who stand by their product welcome the process of a home inspection brought on by the prospective homeowner, as it is an added measure of quality control – something that you can never get enough of in quality home construction.

Benchmarked Level of Workmanship and Excellence Is Established

Once a thorough walk-through has been done, any potential or imminent issues have been addressed and the home is presented to the buyer at closing, a revisit by the same inspector will ensure that all the finishing touches have been done correctly and any concerns that had been apparent before have been resolved. Again even though the builder warrants all their workmanship and the final product, it is reassuring to know that all systems are in top condition from within. The last thing a new homeowner would want to do is to engage in further construction, whether for repairs to correct an issue that had not been properly resolved. As the homeowner, you would expect and hope your place to be completely move-in ready at the time of closing.
The bottom line is this: You can never be too proactive, careful or involved when it comes to the building of your new home. Even though you may have a reliable builder, there is always room for human error. So, instead of wasting precious time that you could be using to enjoy your new home on repairs – it’s better to be safe than sorry and get that inspection done ahead of time.