Monday, December 3, 2012

Contractual Occupancy; When Can I Move In to My New Home?

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When we agents work on getting a contract together, one of the most important things to discuss is occupancy. When will the keys exchange hands? And believe it or not, the answer varies. Up until a while ago, in our area it was typical for us to offer a 30-day occupancy period after the closing. What that means is that the seller had about a month to move out and vacate the premises after closing.

However these days, the standard has changed. Now when you have a contract between buyer and seller the agreed upon date of possession for the buyer is usually the same as closing. In fact, relocation companies go as far as not even to allow their sellers to accept a contract unless occupancy is given at closing.

For buyers, clearly the last thing you want to do is to complete the process, own the property and be paying insurance on it – only to be restricted from accessing it for 30 days. Particularly since the buyer is financially responsible for the property from the moment closing is completed, immediate occupancy makes good sense.

So as you are preparing to accept an offer on your contract, or if you are making an offer on a property – be sure to address the date of occupancy and confirm with your agent that closing date possession for the buyer is the standard way to go.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me for further clarification on this or anything else you’d like to know about. And if you are looking to buy, sell or invest in a property – I look forward to helping you make your real estate goals a reality!